Wednesday, October 30, 2019

ICTs in Global Context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

ICTs in Global Context - Essay Example Such applications refer to the government online (E-Government), the introduction of the Electronic Voting System, the expression of the people’s opinion regarding a certain political decision by signing an on-line petition, as well as to the information and publicity developed on the Internet, in the electronic mail and throughout the informatics technologies.† (Annals, 2005 University of Craiova). But many argue that there an increase in the benefits of any country as a result of the spread of capitalism. ICTs have the ability to fast-track any country’s participation in the global politics and decision making policies. ICTs give any government domination over the policies due to extensive financial and technical resources, to facilitate in its global presence, and helping in ggrowth of a new entrepreneurial class with innovative corporate practices. If the FOSS model is applied then any country’s government has control over its ICT infrastructure, in ter ms of security, support and development and cost thereby increasing development and employment means. Also the government has open standards and open formats now, allowing for international co-operation. Theorists have different views about the effect that ICTs have on politics. Hyperglobalists think that due to ICTs political power becomes transferred into the hands of those which do not deserve it. Transformationalists think that ICTs cause the power of the government to become uneven and multilayered as they reconstitute and restructure their power. Skeptics state that ICTs are overstatement that only serves to extend policies and cause unrest in the country as a result of a power upsurge. Critiques argue that ICTs cause privatizations.... The wide spread use of ICTs has changed the world much, whether to our liking or not, is still to decides. Most of it is certainly in our favor. But nothing good in this world comes without a price. ICTs promote globalization which refers to the accelerated worldwide intermeshing of states and the closer integration of economies and cross-border traffic and communication becoming denser. It is also the process whereby individual lives and local communities are affected by economic and cultural forces that operate worldwide. ICTs allow poor states to come edge to edge with the developed countries and promote better communication. It can even give the states a place in the global economic picture. But are most of the benefits good enough to account for all the bad that is brought about by the ICTs. Due to ICTs a different category of ‘information poor’ states is formed. States run after information that is categorized as valuable information and knowledge and beats the oth ers for it at all costs increasing the already deep world-wide unrest. In many places the western structures of knowledge and power and economic superiority is still maintained not allowing the underdeveloped countries to come forward. ICTs are also responsible in an on-going masculine discourse development. ICTs ignore finance problems such as recurrent costs of computer servicing and training and are still intent on supplying rather than the demand side.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Cultural diversity in professional comm Essay Example for Free

Cultural diversity in professional comm Essay While America fought World War II in Europe, riots broke out in the streets of Los Angeles targeting young Latinos. They strived for the same freedom enjoyed by whites, but were treated as poorly as African Americans of the era. In effect, they tried to disassociate themselves from this faction. Young Latino men referred to themselves as pachucos and sported oversize suits known as zoot suits. In the film Zoot Suit Riots, Joseph Tovares remarkably portrayed the difficult lives of Mexican Americans in the 1940s. Zoot Suit Riots is a powerful film that explores the complicated racial tensions, as well as the changing social and political scene leading up to the riots in the streets of Los Angeles in the summer of 1943. White Americans, police and service men targeted Latinos with their racist attitudes. Tovares argues that these Mexican American adolescents were victims, but they also stood up for themselves and fought back to gain the respect they felt they deserved. This generation of Americanized Latino children wanted to be recognized as American on their own terms. To distinguish themselves from their parents’ generation, they became zoot suitors, but learned that was not enough as racism was a widespread phenomenon across America. Tovares accurately portrays the lives of Mexican Americans victimized by highlighting the Sleepy Lagoon Case. To white Americans in Los Angeles, the murder was proof that Mexican American crime was spiraling out of control. Tovares, however, uses this as evidence to support that they were mistreated because the Mexican American suspects taken into custody all wore zoot suits. This reinforced the opinion white Americans had of Mexican Americans and their apprehension of men in zoot suits. He also interviewed both Mexican Americans and White Americans who lived during this event, even some participants in the riots. His use of oral history throughout the film is captivating as you hear the voice and emotional reaction of a person who actually experienced these riots. Tovares interviews Hank Leyyas sister, an important defendant in the case, who lived through the crime, the trail, the city, everything. She remembers it all and how much it affected her brother’s life. Her emotions when describing the riots helps the viewer understand how people were affected. Sailors of the time admitted in their interviews to attacking Mexican Americans and Mexican Americans admitted to reciprocating the behavior. Tovares’ film reflects on the racist abuse Mexican Americans received not only from White American citizens, but also from authority figures. Edward Escobar’s historical article, Zoot-Suiters and Cops, supports Tovares’ argument that zoot suitors were seen as dangers to society and this brought upon the attacks on them, but Escobar focuses more on the police aspect of the riots. Escobar argues, â€Å"Police, along with local civic leaders, believed that Mexican American youth, especially young males, were inclined toward violent crime. This belief merged with police officers’ frustration over their inability to crack down on the alleged lawbreakers and led to their allowing servicemen to beat and humiliate the zoot-suiters† (Escobar, 1996). Tovares agrees that police were problematic, but focuses more on the Sleepy Lagoon Case involving Mexican and White Americans who participated or lived during the riots. Escobar states that the LAPD consistently arrested Mexican Americans at a higher rate than the general population. During the war these numbers increased, especially arresting young Mexican Americans. However, Escobar argues that police officials misinterpreted their own statistics. Reported crime actually fell during 1942 and 1943, the years of the alleged crime wave. These â€Å"increases in arrests resulted more from changes in the law and in police practices than from changes in Mexican American behavior. Specifically, new immigration and draft laws for adults and curfew ordinances for juveniles, created new classes of laws that Mexican Americans violated, increasing the arrest statistics† (Escobar, 1996). The LAPD also employed selective enforcement in barrios than in white sections like the curfew ordinance as an example. This evidence strongly supports Escobar’s argument that the LAPD was more inclined towards the harsh treatment of Mexican Americans. Escobar focuses more on this than Tovares did throughout the film. While Tovares and Escobar both focus on the discrimination zoot suiters felt, Thomas Guglielmo shifts his focus to Mexican American racism was not only in Los Angeles but also in Texas in his historical article, Fighting for Caucasian Rights. Guglielmo argues that Mexican Americans who were born in the United States showed that they only cared about the United States but needed to be looked at again. They seemed active, focusing on being American, distant from Mexico but really these Mexican American’s due to the Good Neighbor policy still identified themselves with Mexico. Compared to Tovares, Guglielmo looks at American battles in Texas and legislative matter compared to the Los Angeles zoot suit riots. Guglielmo goes against Tovares perspective and says that there is more to Mexican American racism outside of Los Angeles. During the war more people of Mexican descent lived in Texas than any other state. These Mexican Americans that lived here are fighting for equality through legislation unlike the Mexican American’s in Los Angeles who are fighting for the same but by rebelling out through wearing zoot suits and adapting to that way of life. Both Toraves and Escobar perspective is on zoot suiters and police interaction where as Guglielmo focuses more on just Mexican Americans in Texas. Guglielmo argument is not as convincing to me because he focuses too much on legislation and Mexico compared to Toraves and Escobar focus on the discrimination Mexican Americans faced during the war that resulted in the riots. Toraves, Escobar and Guglielmo all highlight the struggle Mexican American’s faced fighting for equality, just presented it in different ways. Tovares strongly emphasized why the Mexican Americans wanted to break free. They were tired of being told what to do, where to go, what to wear. They created an image for themselves that separated them from everyone else. Escobar stated that the zoot suit phenomenon resulted primarily from the racism, discrimination, and extreme poverty that people of Mexican descent faced in the United States (Escobar, 1996). It did not necessarily give Mexican American’s more rights and equality’s that they fought for indirectly but brought national attention to their race that they needed to bring attention to fight for themselves. CITATION: Esobar. Zoot-suiters and Cops: Chicano Youth and the Los Angeles Police Department during World War II. 284-303. 1996 Guglielmo. Fighting for Caucasian Rights: Mexicans, Mexican Americans and the transnational struggle for Civil Rights in World War II Texas. 1212-1237. 2006 Tovares, Joseph, dir. Zoot Suit Riots. 2002. PBS Home Video. DVD-ROM.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Soccer Scholarship Essay 1 :: Scholarship Essays

Soccer Scholarship Essay 1 Â   Let me introduce myself. My name is Heather Smith; I'm 18 years old and am a senior at Suttons Bay High School. I was born and raised here and have attended Suttons Bay Schools for 13 years. My hobbies include playing socer, spending time with ym friends, music, art, snowboarding, biking, working out and traveling. Six years ago I startedmy love of travel when I had the opportunity to travel on a 16-day European History trip to the countries of England, France, Italy, Switzerland and germany with family and friends. Last summer I traveled to Spain with my school's Spanish club, and in March I went to Mexico. I speak Spanish and plan on continuing my studies at Michigan State University this fall. I find that traveling is so interesting as it gives me the chance to see how others live and experience their culture. Â   Soccer has always been my passion. I started to play when I was in second grade. I have played continuously and am now a captain of the Suttons Bay Lady Norsemen. We are a high school cooperative team consisting of players from Suttons Bay, Leland and Northport. This is our fourth year of existence and we worked hard to establish our team and its killer reputation. The part that I am most proud of is that I was among a group of girls that helped convince the Suttons Bay School Board that our high school should establish a girls' high school team. We asked to be put on the board's agenda and prepared a persuasive presentation outlining the reasons that girls at Suttons Bay High School deserved their own team. We knew that money was not available to fund the team, so we promised to find it ourselves. The Board approved our team in the spring of 1997. Our team members and parents spent long hours in fundraising to pay for our uniforms, equipment, transportation, referees and coaches. Â   This experience has taught me many valuable lessons. I learned that it is important to fight and work for what you believe in. I have learned more skills than soccer, such as teamwork and communication skills. I have learned that it's good to broaden one's horizon by meeting and becoming friends with people from other schools and communities. I'm looking forward to the soccer district and regional, and we hope we qualify for the state championship.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Computers and Medical Database Advances :: Essays Papers

Computers and Medical Database Advances Computers have revolutionized the way we do things in the medical field from the devised used the pharmacy to the databases used to keep patients medical records. Pharmacies, offices and hospitals have been able to take advantage of the benefit computers can bring to their companies. Computers make it easy to keep tack of their patients, as well as what medication they take in order to make it easier for everyone. Computers can be used to advance the uses of health care systems in hospitals in more ways than one. One of the first systems that use computers to store and transfer information for the use of giving advice and solving clinical problems is the HELP system. (Fitzmaurice) This system not only alerts physicians to abnormal and changing clinical values but can generate reminders for physicians. For example: A trial by Indiana University showed that tests for respiratory ailments were reduced by ten to thirty percent because the computer was able to remind the doctor to give a flu vaccine to those patients. In Beth Israel Hospital in Boston computers were also able to alert physicians when kidney failure was a risk. (Fitzmaurice) Another way that computers can benefit physicians in hospitals is the costs it can decrease. Physicians are able to order tests by computers which can automatically display cost affective testing. At Wishard Memorial Hospital in Indianapolis they saved $594 per admission when using computers to write all impatient orders.(Fitzmaurice) That is a total of more than three million dollars in projected hospital savings. Also the physician ordered fourteen percent fewer tests when using computers because the computer was able to show test results, test prices and abnormal results. (Fitzmaurice) By being able to write programs for computers that can contain a database full of patients makes it easier for everyone. In the 1980’s in order for pharmacies to process third party payors, it had to be done the old fashion way-via paper. With millions of people rushing to the pharmacy to get their medication, a more efficient way had to be established to process claims.(Sardinha) During the middle of the 1980’s pharmacies were able to establish online computer claims making it easier to bill insurance companies online.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Captain Ahab portrayed as monomaniacal in Moby Dick Essay

Monomania, as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary, is the pathological obsession with one subject or idea. In Herman Melville’s novel Moby Dick, an obsession causes monomania in its main character. Through his actions, words, thoughts, and what others think about him, Captain Ahab is truly monomaniacal. Ahab is monomaniacal through his words and thoughts. â€Å"Talk not to me of blasphemy,man; I’d strike the sun if it insulted me.† This shows Ahab’s madness because only he would have the nerve to say that no matter who it is, great or small, he would stand up to them; this includes Moby Dick. Ahab often smokes a pipe, but he realizes something and says â€Å"What business have I with this pipe? This thing that is meant for sereneness, to send up mild white vapors among mild white hairs, not among torn iron-grey locks like mine. I’ll smoke no more.† He admits that he is not a peaceful man, which is quite monomaniacal. Another event that shows Ahab’s monomania is when he talks directly to a dead whale’s head, saying â€Å" Speak, thou vast and venerable head, mighty head and tell us the secret thing that is in thee†¦O head! thou hast seen enough to split the planets and make an infidel of Abraham, and not one syllable is thine!† His obsession leads him to even say that he will pay someone to kill Moby Dick just for the sake of revenge. â€Å"Whosoever of ye raises me that same white whale, he shall have this gold ounce, my boys!† When Ahab finally meets Moby Dick, his monomania hits its high point as his last words before his death are â€Å"Sink all coffins and hearses to one common pool! And since neither can be mine, let me then tow to pieces, while still chasing thee, though tied to thee, thou damned whale! Thus, I give up the spear!† Captain Ahab is not only monomaniacal through his words, but through his actions, also. In one incident, Ahab holds Starbuck at gunpoint just because he asked if he could have a crew of men fix a leak. Is that not an action of a madman? Ahab also breaks the ship’s compass at one point in the story so that the crew learns how the ship moves. He also refuses to recognize the warnings that are presented during gams; he dismisses them without any thought or hesitation because his obsession makes him blind to the reality and stupidity of the search for Moby Dick. Ahab also has no respect for his  fellow sailors, as he has manipulated them quite often. Everyone on the Pequod, especially Ishmael, thought that they were going on a normal whaling voyage, not a suicidal chase for a deadly white whale. If someone is to be called monomaniacal, not only one point of view can confirm that. The thoughts of fellows crew members on the Pequod often comment on how they feel about Ahab. Ishmael describes Ahab as being â€Å"A grand, ungodly, god-like man, Captain Ahab; doesn’t speak much;Ahab’s been in colleges, as well as among the cannibals; been used to deeper wonders than the waves; fixed his fiery lance in mightier, stranger foes than whales.† Queeqeug gives his two cents worth when he says â€Å" More than once did he put forth the faint blossom of a look, which, in any other man, would have soon flowered out in a smile.† Obviously, Ahab did not like to smile, which is something that happy people do. Finally, Stubb comments that â€Å"The sea had jeeringly kept his finite body up, but drowned the infinite of his soul.† He says that Ahab has wasted his soul in pursuit of Moby Dick, and that if it was not for the sea and the white whale, Ahab would not be monomaniacal. Ahab is monomaniacal through what he says, what he does, and what other think of him. He not only manipulates his fellow sailors, he also acts like a madman because of his obsession with the pursuit of Moby Dick. Captain Ahab is seemingly monomaniacal despite what he thinks of himself.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Catastrohpe Of War

Catastrophe of War Blood, sweat, and tears Hope, death, and fears On the desert sand Hot and dry Many men together band The sun beats down Down Down Trouble is coming In a sea of protesters A soldier is drowned Drowned Drowned How can one stay so true To commitment Honor And courage? â€Å"Have you killed?† â€Å"Have you seen people die?† â€Å"How do you keep safe?† Save face – in the face of their hate. Slander thrown Cast are stones Hate projected As we protected The very ones who point the guns And take the lives of friends In arms. Stand this duty So far from home All alone except For the man next to him His Brother In arms. They made a choice To protect the voice Of Freedom . . . NO Of America . . . NO It’s not so simple This soldier’s choice To build a bond of life With a man he would not have known But for death The catastrophe of war Why, then? This fate This choice This load The answer I do not know The question is, â€Å"Why do I Miss it so . . . miss it so . . . miss it so?†... Free Essays on Catastrohpe Of War Free Essays on Catastrohpe Of War Catastrophe of War Blood, sweat, and tears Hope, death, and fears On the desert sand Hot and dry Many men together band The sun beats down Down Down Trouble is coming In a sea of protesters A soldier is drowned Drowned Drowned How can one stay so true To commitment Honor And courage? â€Å"Have you killed?† â€Å"Have you seen people die?† â€Å"How do you keep safe?† Save face – in the face of their hate. Slander thrown Cast are stones Hate projected As we protected The very ones who point the guns And take the lives of friends In arms. Stand this duty So far from home All alone except For the man next to him His Brother In arms. They made a choice To protect the voice Of Freedom . . . NO Of America . . . NO It’s not so simple This soldier’s choice To build a bond of life With a man he would not have known But for death The catastrophe of war Why, then? This fate This choice This load The answer I do not know The question is, â€Å"Why do I Miss it so . . . miss it so . . . miss it so?†...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Rusian History essays

Rusian History essays Russia has always played a major roll in global politics, economics and thought. However, in the past two centuries, Russia has had probably the greatest influence on the international world in modern times, surpassed only by the United States. The Russia that we've known this century though, has its roots in last centuries Russian. At the end of the nineteenth century, Russia experienced great changes internally, politically, socially and spiritually. The half century leading up to the Communist revolution in 1917 was a time filled with sweeping changes, literary triumphs and military defeat. All of these factors played in the eventual revolution and not only affected politics and thought in Russia, but in every nation on earth. After the defeat of the Russian army in the Crimean War, Russian realized that it needed to modernize its country, socially and militarily. Alexander II realized that to modernize mean that Russia needed to westernize. So in 1861 he emancipated the serfs from bondage. The emancipation was mean to bridge the gap between the elite and the general population, but was not the first of such liberal western type reforms. Catherine and Peter the Great had also made western type reforms during their respective reigns. All of their reforms, and especially Alexander's, were influenced by western thought. These thought were introduced into Russia by its Western European educated ruling class. Under Alexander II, the ruling class began to see serfdom as an immoral part of society. This moral problem was accompanied by the economics of the day, and the ethical conclusion was that serfdom must be dismantled. The abolition of serfdom was Alexander II greatest contribution to history. However, the 'Liberating Czar' enacted a whole series of fundamental changes including; comprehensive reform of the judicial system that finally introduced the unheard of idea of equality, trial by jury, public proceedings in legal matt...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Homiletics Definition and Examples

Homiletics Definition and Examples Homiletics is the practice and study of the art of preaching; the rhetoric of the sermon. The foundation for homiletics lay in the epideictic variety of classical rhetoric. Beginning in the late Middle Ages and continuing to the present day, homiletics has commanded a great deal of critical attention.But as James L. Kinneavy has observed, homiletics isnt just a Western phenomenon: Indeed, nearly all of the major world religions have involved persons trained to preach (Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition, 1996). See Examples and Observations, below. Etymology:From the Greek, conversation Examples and Observations: The Greek word homilia signifies conversation, mutual talk, and so familiar discourse. The Latin word sermo (from which we get sermon) has the same sense, of conversation, talk, discussion. It is instructive to observe that the early Christians did not at first apply to their public teachings the names given to the orations of Demosthenes and Cicero, but called them talks, familiar discourses. Under the influence of rhetorical teaching and the popularizing of Christian worship, the talk soon became a more formal and extended discourse . . ..Homiletics may be called a branch of rhetoric, or a kindred art. Those fundamental principles which have their basis in human nature are of course the same in both cases, and this being so it seems clear that we must regard homiletics as rhetoric applied to this particular kind of speaking. Still, preaching is properly very different from secular discourse, as to the primary source of its materials, as to the directness and simplicity of style whi ch become the preacher, and the unworldly motives by which he ought to be influenced.(John A. Broadus, On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons, 1870) Medieval Preaching ManualsThematic preaching was not directed at converting the audience. The congregation was assumed to believe in Christ, as the vast majority of people in medieval Europe did. The preacher instructs them about the meaning of the Bible, with emphasis on moral action. Just as dictamen combined features of rhetoric, social status, and law to meet a perceived need in writing letters, so the preaching manuals drew on a variety of disciplines to outline their new technique. Biblical exegesis was one; scholastic logic was anotherthematic preaching, with its succession of definitions, divisions, and syllogism can be regarded as a more popular form of scholastic disputation; and a third was rhetoric as known from Cicero and Boethius, seen in rules for arrangement and style. There was also some influence from grammar and other liberal arts in the amplification of divisions of the theme.Handbooks of preaching were very common in the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. No one o f them, however, was widely circulated to become the standard work on the subject.(George A. Kennedy, Classical Rhetoric Its Christian Secular Tradition. University of North Carolina Press, 1999) Homiletics From the 18th Century to the PresentHomiletics [in the 18th and 19th centuries] increasingly became a species of rhetoric, preaching became pulpit oratory, and sermons became moral discourses. Less bound to classical rhetorical models, zealous fundamentalist and 20th-century homileticians adapted various inductive, narrative-based sermon strategies derived, respectively, from biblical models (jeremiad, parable, Pauline exhortation, revelation) and theories of mass communication.(Gregory Kneidel, Homiletics. Encyclopedia of Rhetoric, ed. by T.O. Sloane. Oxford University Press, 2001)African-American PreachingAfrican American preaching, unlike some of the straitjacket preaching of traditional Eurocentric homiletics, is an oral and gestural activity. This does not mean that it is not an intellectual activity, but in the tradition of African American preaching and the language of the Black church, the activity of the limbs contributes to the meaning of preaching by creating a dialogue with the self and the hearer. This is a critical, albeit ancillary, element of African American preaching and often helps to make the more substantive theological and hermeneutical ingredients more palatable because they become integrated into the whole preaching process.(James H. Harris, The Word Made Plain: The Power and Promise of Preaching. Augsburg Fortress, 2004)Active voice is more alive than passive.Dont use a 50 ¢ word when a 5 ¢ word will do.Remove unnecessary occurrences of that and which.Remove unnecessary or assumable information and get to the point.Use dialogue for added interest and life.Dont waste words.Use contractions where appropriate.Verbs are more alive than nouns.Accentuate the positive.Avoid the literary sound.Avoid clichà ©s.Remove forms of the verb to be whenever possible. Rules for Contemporary PreachersHere . . . are the Rules weve come up with for writing for the ear. . . . Adopt them or adapt them as you see fit. And with each sermon manuscript you write, pray the Lord will make you clear, concise, and directed toward the needs of your flock.(G. Robert Jacks, Just Say the Word!: Writing for the Ear. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1996) Pronunciation: hom-eh-LET-iks

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Financial analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial analysis - Essay Example The startup of the whole food market venture in Canada will involve different foods supermarket chains that specialize in both the organic foods and natural foods. This venture aims at expanding in to the global markets within three years. The Canadian whole food will generally operate in the Canadian markets in one segment thus the organic foods supermarkets and the natural foods supermarket. The venture will operate in different stores across the Canada markets. The stores will be averagely 38,000 square feet depending with the location of the venture (Petusevsky, 2002). The venture will not be limited to grocery, produce and floral, bakery, coffee, tea, nutritional supplements, prepared foods and catering, whole fields and whole family of brands (Petusevsky, 2002). Opening the business venture in Canada will most definitely be a challenging prospect with issues ranging to exchange risks and settling in the new market ventures. In most cases, issues to do with financial risks tend to affect the business if not well taken care of (Rush, 2012). Foreign exchange risks in this case will exist when the financial transaction will be denominated in the currency, which is not part of the base currency, and in this case, the business venture. Alternatively, the foreign exchange risk will exist when the foreign lesser of the global venture maintains financial statements that is in the currency which is not part of the reporting currency and in this case the consolidated entity. For the case of the Canada whole foods venture, which operates abroad, there is high possibility that it would lose too much money even if the global venture is not prepared to crystalize its assets. Some of the common types of challenges that would most likely affect the venture due to foreign exchange risk include; translation exposure, economic exposure, and transaction exposure (Rush, 2012). Dealing

Friday, October 18, 2019

Criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Criminology - Essay Example Despite the application and side effects of the drug under consideration, the entity has become a viable entity towards the sustenance of cultural affiliation. Drugs have been utilized to complete the achievement of a desired state whether hyperactive or eliminate a disease within the body. The entity has had the presentation to include the effects on the functioning of the body with the composition of the element. Some drugs are required to sustain the current body conditions while others applied to complete the achievement of a body state. Over the years, drugs have replaced traditional beliefs, and the presentation on outdated measures to achieve cure. The norm has become the sole position to deliver satisfaction to unsatisfactory health state. The advertisement of drugs and the effects of using the substance suggest that the features have been applied as products in daily living (Varian 2006). There is the desire to inform the public of the manufactured products and their value in completing satisfaction. Likewise, drugs present the similar provision in offering value to human living (Varian 2006). Like any other commodity, drugs are applied in completing lifestyle satisfaction. However, variable drugs hold varied side effects and may be applied differently. Despite the contribution made to societal living, drugs are advertised to inform the public of their

ENGLISH LITERATURE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ENGLISH LITERATURE - Essay Example It is also apparent that this journey is never easy on her, yet one that she makes with all the care and love that she has in her. Phoenix Jackson thus emerges from the story as a fully developed human being despite the short space of time in which she is introduced. At the same time, her walk through the countryside and into the towns symbolizes many aspects of American history as it progressed from the dark aspects of slavery to a more understanding yet still imperfect society of equal rights. Through eloquent imagery and careful progression, Welty is able to present Pheonix Jackson in loving detail as a fully fledged human being as well as a strong representation of American history to the point at which she is found making her trek. The normal path of life can be traced through the various types of fields Phoenix takes in her journey to town. Her path starts in the evergreen forest full of springy needles and bright sun. These evergreen trees represent the springiness and immaturity of youth. Just as the wood of the pine tree is softer and easy to damage, the young Phoenix was malleable and easily moved to new actions. In youth, she was still full of bright hopes and dreams that were often â€Å"almost too bright to look at† (142). Phoenix herself seems to realize this analogy as she crests a hill. â€Å"’Up through the pines,’ she said at length. ‘Now down through oaks.’† (143) as she aged into something harder and less able to bend. This aging process is symbolized by the additional trials Phoenix must undertake, the prickly thorns of the brambles and the chains of gravity, before she is able to internalize the strength of the oak that is imprinted upon her forehead, à ¢â‚¬Å"Her skin had a pattern all its own of numberless branching wrinkles and as though a whole little tree stood in the middle of her forehead, but a golden

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Current Economic Climate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Current Economic Climate - Essay Example There are some challenges and biggest opportunities facing with new managers entering an industry. The global environment has continuously become a challenge to emerging managers. This reminds them of a very important thing and that is for them to acquire useful skills in order to reach a high level of competitive advantage. For instance, in the age of information technology (IT), it is no longer reliable and enough to rely on traditional management system. Modern managers must be able to have important knowledge on how to integrate his or her leadership skills in the midst of substantial breakthroughs in areas of IT. This is a great challenge among those managers who were trained without prior exposure to a high level of advancement in IT. Very few companies offered IT programs in the onset of online communication, technological innovation in information management system and so on. In fact, many managers nowadays are not that adept in using various features in IT in leading their p ersonnel especially in companies that require constant communication and interaction on a daily basis. However, this is an advantage among those emerging managers who are mostly adept and have substantial background in IT. They can all integrate their knowledge in IT in their leadership and in fact, this would make them highly competitive in today’s prevailing economic climate. It is the current global trending that for a company or organisation to stay on top and be a cut above the other, various management modifications are necessary and application of IT is just among of them. Management on the other hand is such a complicated process because it deals personally with the human resource with also complex behaviours and needs. Thus, all managers are faced with substantial challenges especially on motivating and applying their skills in the work place, but above all they all are tested with their commitment (Hawell, 2009). All of these are essential factors in achieving goals of the company. Thus, those managers who are committed are more willing to seek for more information on how to improve performance of their personnel and one of the basic approaches is motivating them. To motivate the entire human resource is another great challenge. In times of downward spiraling economy for instance, the managers must be able to apply substantial moves especially among those employees who are asking for more financially from the economic stand point. It requires not just constant communication, but ample opportunities in motivating them even without the need to use monetary equivalence. In other words, the managers must be able to apply their skills and full potential in creating more innovative approaches in motivating the human resource to function effectively most especially in both promising and challenging economic times. This is both a challenge and opportunity for emerging managers as they would substantially focus on innovation, and apply modern approach in management. Another point, every business is faced with competition and this is how it is for the rest of almost all organisations around the world. Competition simply is everywhere. Thus, every manager therefore must be geared with substantial knowledge on this issue. A facilitative style of leadership might be required and that would ensure substantial use of communication process (Hartwig, 2008). In this approach, emerging managers have the full advantage as they

Equity and Trusts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Equity and Trusts - Essay Example In fact, trust has been a rather conspicuous beneficiary of equity since the former is an invention of the latter2. Generally, trust laws are applied in situations in which an individual places trust and confidence in another or others to handle or manage his/her affairs. While the law of equity governs the individuals entering such relationships, the law of trust offers the mechanisms for dealing with the different situations and circumstances of such relationships including pension funds, family relationships and charities among others. Although most cases such as estoppels and secret trusts allow the courts to easily deal with the formalities of property laws, there are certain unique and technical situations and terms with which one needs to be conversant to understand trust law3. Trust law, whose applicability may start before or after a trust commences has the objective of clarifying the activities and purposes for which trusts are created. The validity of trusts may be depende nt on the nature of its creation, whether an oral declaration or an instrument created in writing such as a will or a codicil. Additionally, a trust may be created by a mere conduct, without involving any technical expressions or activities. However, unit trusts, real property trusts and non-charitable purpose trusts

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Current Economic Climate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Current Economic Climate - Essay Example There are some challenges and biggest opportunities facing with new managers entering an industry. The global environment has continuously become a challenge to emerging managers. This reminds them of a very important thing and that is for them to acquire useful skills in order to reach a high level of competitive advantage. For instance, in the age of information technology (IT), it is no longer reliable and enough to rely on traditional management system. Modern managers must be able to have important knowledge on how to integrate his or her leadership skills in the midst of substantial breakthroughs in areas of IT. This is a great challenge among those managers who were trained without prior exposure to a high level of advancement in IT. Very few companies offered IT programs in the onset of online communication, technological innovation in information management system and so on. In fact, many managers nowadays are not that adept in using various features in IT in leading their p ersonnel especially in companies that require constant communication and interaction on a daily basis. However, this is an advantage among those emerging managers who are mostly adept and have substantial background in IT. They can all integrate their knowledge in IT in their leadership and in fact, this would make them highly competitive in today’s prevailing economic climate. It is the current global trending that for a company or organisation to stay on top and be a cut above the other, various management modifications are necessary and application of IT is just among of them. Management on the other hand is such a complicated process because it deals personally with the human resource with also complex behaviours and needs. Thus, all managers are faced with substantial challenges especially on motivating and applying their skills in the work place, but above all they all are tested with their commitment (Hawell, 2009). All of these are essential factors in achieving goals of the company. Thus, those managers who are committed are more willing to seek for more information on how to improve performance of their personnel and one of the basic approaches is motivating them. To motivate the entire human resource is another great challenge. In times of downward spiraling economy for instance, the managers must be able to apply substantial moves especially among those employees who are asking for more financially from the economic stand point. It requires not just constant communication, but ample opportunities in motivating them even without the need to use monetary equivalence. In other words, the managers must be able to apply their skills and full potential in creating more innovative approaches in motivating the human resource to function effectively most especially in both promising and challenging economic times. This is both a challenge and opportunity for emerging managers as they would substantially focus on innovation, and apply modern approach in management. Another point, every business is faced with competition and this is how it is for the rest of almost all organisations around the world. Competition simply is everywhere. Thus, every manager therefore must be geared with substantial knowledge on this issue. A facilitative style of leadership might be required and that would ensure substantial use of communication process (Hartwig, 2008). In this approach, emerging managers have the full advantage as they

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Disuss being and non-being in lao-zi's concept (老子) Essay

Disuss being and non-being in lao-zi's concept (è€ Ã¥ ­ ) - Essay Example Since nobody knew the name, they called it Tao – the mystery of mysteries. According to the Western culture there is a division between subject and object and prevents the subject from realizing the inner self. Material desires keep mounting and this affects efficiency leading to social problems. LaoZi’s idea of non-being can lessen such desires and enable people to develop with equilibrium. According to this philosophy, ‘being’ is not normal whereas ‘non-being’ is normal. ‘Being’ is not constant; there is continuous movement. ‘Non-being; is actually the denial of ‘being’. ‘Being’ is not limited to concrete material forms but includes abstract ideas and theories. The cosmic process consists of first by giving birth to all things by Dao and then the process of returning all things to Dao. Nonbeing (wu) and being (you) can be seen as the two ontological moments through which the dao manifests itself. From the state of nothingness, from the state of non-being, some forms are realized in the form of being. Hence to become being is to take the form of body. The realm of being comes rarely but the realm of non-being is much richer (Shen, n.d.). Human beings have great potential. Laozi says they should cherish what they have but always remain open to the unfathomable possibilities because the origin is the non-being. In the realm of being, all beings are constituted of opposites, you and wu being one such pair of opposites. You and wu can be analyzed on three different levels of meaning. In the first level, ontologically, you means the real, the actual, the being; wu means non-being, the potential or the possible. Spiritually you means fulfillment and constraint whereas wu means transcendence and freedom. Thirdly, you also means full, presence, whereas wu means void or absence. Non-being or nothingness is the natural state. This state is simply Dao to LaoZi.

Platos Reflection on Metaphysics Essay Example for Free

Platos Reflection on Metaphysics Essay A combination of the Greek word, meta, which translates to â€Å"after,† â€Å"beyond,† â€Å"along with,† â€Å"among,† and â€Å"behind,† and the Latin term, physica, that simply means the science of matter and physical properties. Philosophers refer to this term to theorize about the different elements of the world in which we live and the world that truly exists. One of the most prominent philosophers is Plato, who set the foundation for many modern philosophers on their perspective of reality through reason. Plato believed in two separate realities; the physical and the immaterial. He claimed that a dividing line existed between the two worlds, and the immaterial or intelligible is of more importance in the discovery of truth than the physical properties of our world. Comprised of intangible properties but that can be seen through logic, the immaterial world is grasping the reason behind the idea of an object and separating those elements from the subject. Plato explicates the physical world as anything or objects that is identified by one of our five senses. Within the physical world are two subsets, image and tangible object. Image refers to the shadow or reflection of the image. In addition, the physical object is self explanatory; the object distinguished by touch, taste, smell, or sight. Although primarily disconnected, the two worlds cannot exist without each other and the knowledge that pertains to both. For example, Plato utilizes a ball as the subject to form an analogy of the collaboration between the two realities. From childhood, we are taught that a ball is a ball based on others perception and knowledge of it; not our original thought. The ball exists in the world of appearances, physical. However, its intangible properties such as, roundness, exist on a parallel plane. Plato describes that plane as the world of Forms. In an effort to further enlighten us, Plato sets guidelines for the properties to forms. First, forms are objective; ideas exist through reason and not experiential. Objects that we perceive are reliant upon our experiences and verbal confirmation of the object and not the actual perspective of the object. Therefore, one can surmise that our senses are isleading, and the reality in which we live is different from others and the true reality. Next, forms are transcendent. The property remains true in spite of time and space. Third, forms are eternal. As aforementioned, Plato believes forms are unchanging; true concept behind an object is unchanging, redness. The form is separate from our subjective image. True comprehension lies in individually analyzing each separate form that comprises the object an d identifies it as what we perceive it as. Forth, forms are models; truest essence of an idea to which an object copies the form and combines it with other elements to create a copied version of a sample of the form. Fifth, forms are intellectual species; can only be determined through reason separating the being from the object. Lastly, forms are perfection. In its purest state, a form is a singular entity. A material object collects bits of forms and its perfection making the object itself impure. A material object cannot be perfect in its existence because it is but an imitation of several forms that only alone are perfect. Plato’s concept of reality or the simultaneous existence of the two realities are at best intriguing and worthy of exploring. However, as he himself stated, we can never come in direct contact with the immaterial world. Therefore, how can true knowledge be acquired or ascertained? Once again, it is not until we are no longer part of this world that we may finally discover the truth behind this vast universe and the world or worlds in which we reside.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Performance in practice and reflective account

Performance in practice and reflective account Introduction Assessment has always been an indispensible part of the learning process. The process helps to evaluate whether the course program results in generating benefits for the individuals participating in it. However, the process of assessment is not focused in real term. As per the studies conducted by Gibbs (1999) and Elton Johnston (2002), around 10% of the tasks that the students do in their academics are not accessed at all. On considering the case of nursing, it is noted that the lack of assessment leaves the chances of patients and public to suffer. On the other hand, the regressive assessment process can help a lot to the people attached with it. Mentorship always plays an important role in the preparation of the student to work in the practical environment. In my course of mentorship, I work as the staff nurse at the operation theatre. Recently in our organization, we have implemented the force tread valley lab and Aatherny machine in our department. There are several complications attached with the machine, as not many people have used it in their learning courses. Thus, it becomes important for me to make the students learn about the machine, how to operate it, how to take care of any unexpected result etc. For this assignment, I had conducted assessment program to analyse the learning that the learners gain from this machine. Based on the assessment done, I have come up with some important findings related to the machine and learners as well. Therefore, hereon, I would be discussing the experience after the proper assessment of the learners for the force tread valley lab and Aatherny machine incorporated in our department. For better analysis results, I had a meeting with the associate health practitioner to understand the proper ways of evaluation. My talks with him had helped me a lot in reaching to my goals i n quite a professional manner. Assessment Methods The process of assessment should of such a kind that that the students are able to gain something from it. If the process of learning is found to have some flaws as per the assessment, it is better to make amendments in the learning process (Brown et al., 1997). Thereon raises the need of rigorous assessment process the mentor shall take right steps of assessment to reach to the right results. In case mentor does not take right steps to assess his students, the results can be pathetic for both the student and the patients in the future. Thus, there are number of assessment processes in place. Some of the most commonly used assessment processes include (ACGME, 2000):- Patient Surveys Patient surveys are used for the assessment of satisfaction with the clinics, hospitals and they include questions about the physicians care (Smee, 2004). The questions are used with some general aspects of the physicians care (time spent with the patient), physician competency (knowledge and skills, courtesy or empathy). Some more specific aspects of care include physicians explanations, treatment steps and drug side effects, listening skills. Typical survey method includes rating techniques with poor, fair, good, very good, excellent rating standards or agreements with the care describing statements by using yes or no statement. Each rating has given a value and then the satisfactions score is calculated by the average of all responses for generating single score or scores for different clinical care settings or activities Objective structured Clinical Examination In the OSCE method, one or two assessment tools are managed by almost 12-20 patient encounter stations. Each station lasts after 10-15 minutes. Candidates may complete the patient notes or a detailed written examination about some previous patients encounter. All candidates move from one station to other station with the sequence of same schedule. Standardized patients are considered as the primary assessment tools that are used in OSCEs but it includes data interpretation exercise with the clinical cases and clinical conditions with anatomical models for the assessment of technical skills. 360 degree evaluation method 360-degreee evaluation method includes measurement tools that are to be completed by multiple people under the persons sphere of influence. The evaluators are peers, subordinates, patients, families and supervisors. This evaluation process uses questionnaire to collect information about the performances of individuals on several topics such as communication, management skills, decision- making, teamwork etc. The process also include rating scales for the assessment that how the behavior is performed. Then the ratings are summarized for all type of evaluations by the topic and overall for the purpose of providing feedback. Chart stimulated recall oral examination (CSR) In the CSR, the examinees are assessed in the form of standardized oral examinations. A trained and experienced examiner asks the questions about care provided for the reasons behind the diagnoses, interpretation of clinical findings and some treatment plans. The examiners rate the examinee by using well established scoring procedure. The well designed CSR cases generally take 5 to 10 minutes for each one but the typical CSR process is of two hours with one or more than one examiners/ physician per separates sessions of 30-60 minutes. Written Examinations This is just the test using Multiple- choice questions to check for the performance on participants. Simulation and model Simulation methods are used to assess the clinical performances and that are close to the reality and attempt to reproduce (Novotny et al., 2006; Waltz et al, 2010). However, these are not used for duplicating real clinical problems. Here are some attributes for simulation methods allow the examinees for a reason through the clinical problems without any signal. They integrate some options, permit the examinees for making some threatening errors without any damage to the patient, provide feedback to correct the mistake done, give rating to the performances of examinees on some clinical problems, which are impossible at the time of evaluation effectively. Some simulation methods have been developed as PMPs (patient management problems), role- playing situation (clinical team simulations, standardized patients (SPs), anatomical models or the combination of these three types. Anatomical models are used for body organs for pathological findings to simulate the disease of patients. VR sim ulations (virtual reality simulations) use computers with anatomical models and that allows an assessment of procedural skills and other clinical tasks Hereon, in the case at hand, we had made use of Simulation and model technique. This technique seems to be the best choice for this task because the course relates to learning of the force tread valley lab and Aatherny machine that is recently implemented in our department. The simulated environment gives a number of options that relate to reality. The student can learn practically, using this approach. I gave the students an opportunity to perform in the real time environment. In this practical environment, students are able to perform practically, and even there is no risk of any patients health. Thus, the life is safe as well. Direct practice on an individual is quite a risky practice. Therefore, the risk free method shall be made into practice. Hereon, the assessment method suggested very good results for me. It was quite a fair way to assess anyone. There cannot be any sort of variation due to any reason. Even the chances of biasness are minimized using the approach. What matter s in this assessment method is the practical performance. Critical Reflection The learning process in nursing is of quite importance. The successors of the course are expected to be responsible for the lives of people in the future. Therefore, there is the need for proper assessment of an individual who enrols in the program. I was given an opportunity to assess the performance of my students. My students were performing well in the theory sessions. I found that the force tread valley lab and Aatherny Machine are quite crucial to in the nursing related activities. The students here in our course were trying to workout to learn how to make use of these devices in practice. One who makes use of both the machine and the knowledge of nursing is the actual nursing specialist, else knowing how to operate a machine would just make him limit to being a machine operator (Andrist et al., 2006; APA, 2008). The nurses are seen facing trouble in using technological devices since the mid 1960s (Sandlelowski, 2000). Thus, there is something, which acts as a hurdle against the process of learning to handle technological devices. The process suggests the right use of skills in order to gain from the machines. The skills of nurses are evaluated more and more using the usage skills of machines (Ferguson Calder, 1993), as t hese machines have become an indispensible part in ones nursing course process. Even the introduction of the machine in our department adds to the reason for learning the process of using machine. Hereon, the results I got from the performance of students was quite astonishing. I was happy to see that some of the students operated the machine in simulated environment in such a good manner that it seems that these students can operate in a real world environment as well. These students are expected to grow at a good rate within their career arena. However, the performance of some of the students was too bad. We are lucky that we have the assessment model of simulated environment, from which we can find out the students who are too weak to handle the practical situations. These students are too risky to operate in real term. Therefore, the right use of the simulated environment was of help for me to analyse the performance of students and their easiness to operate the machine. Based on the assessment, the weaker students are suggested to work out on their learning sessions. Machines are usually found tough to be used by the students in general (Brown Edwards, 2007; Anderson, 2000). The student needs to learn the process of using the machine along with implementation of their nursing knowledge, which is not an easy task. Therefore, the problem situation arises hereon. In our case, as our department did not make use of any machine in earlier days, but sudden incorporation of machine in our department had acted as a hurdle against our regular management operations. The need of proper knowledge in technical terms can help an individual to perform in a better manner. Thus, mentors are quite crucial to assess the students. I shall however keep an eye to maintain the standards as per the NMC (2006). This suggests me to assess thoroughly each of the students performance. This would help me in reaching to the right assessment decision. Conclusion The assessment has been an important player in the success of an individuals performance. Thus, I need to properly evaluate the students to understand their comfort with using the force tread valley lab and Aatherny Machine. The simulated assessment method used by me was quite a good choice. I was able to clearly analyse and evaluate the performance of individuals. Some of the students were though finding it tough to use the machine. This was mainly due to the reason that our organization did not use the machine earlier. Thus, it further added to the complexity of assessing the students. I found the successful candidates in this evaluation method were quite strong in their performance activities, and I expect the bright future of these individuals. The recent implementation of machine in our department acted as the major reason for this. The learning to use a machine is a time consuming process. It is expected that with due course of time, my students would be able to learn the way to use the machine. However, I have even planned extra sessions for those who do not perform well during my assessment sessions. These special sessions would be aimed to help the students in learning the areas they are lacking in. This way, I would be able to generate brighter talent from my department, which can be a great asset for future nursing.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sonnys Blues Essay -- James Baldwin

Discuss place and how James Baldwin uses elements of setting to convey Sonny’s Blues’ larger message or theme. Establishing and maintaining a certain identity mostly depends on the setting. The setting allows us to analyze someone at a deeper level. Considering the time, place and the circumstances around under which they respond allows us to explore them and determine their identity. In the short story â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†, James Baldwin conveys the message of how one goes about establishing and maintaining their identity on different levels by using elements of setting. The author uses elements of setting several times to convey the message but some of the prominent uses are the military service, life in Harlem and especially the use of darkness. The military service plays an important role in the evolving of the narrator’s identity as it helps him gain respect and be recognized by the neighborhood, something that Sonny yearns for. Growing up in Harlem is the most important setting because the brothers endured several hardships in Harlem, which allowed them to establish and maintain a certain identity. The use of darkness is important because darkness signifies drugs and violence therefore if someone were seen in the dark, would be given an apathetic identity. The time spend in the military service helps the narrator establish personal characteristics which enable him to understand the world around him and be more successful in life. Being in the military has given him th...

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Relationship Between Mother and Daughter in James Cain’s Mildred Pi

The Relationship Between Mother and Daughter in James Cain’s Mildred Pierce I have always been of the belief that in order to truly love, hate must exist within the core of the relationship. Nowhere in modern fiction is this dictum examined more accurately than in the novel by James Cain, Mildred Pierce. Looking at the concept in a familial context, James Cain has created two well-developed characters, Mildred Pierce and her daughter, Veda, that not only emphasizes the nature of mother-daughter relationships, but looks at how love and hate permeates the very essence of the relationship. The Irish poet Thomas Moore once described the fascination of these violently fluctuating emotions, â€Å"When I loved you, I can’t but allow/ I had many an exquisite minute/ But the scorn that I feel for you now/ Hath even more luxury in it† (Tresidder 57). While reading Mildred Pierce, I was reminded of my own mother’s relationship with her daughters. One of my sisters, Leslie, in particular, hated my mother in youth. It was strong emotion to extinguish, especially in those formative teen years, but because life is dominated with experiences, things in which we learn from, later one comes to understand the nature of their hate and love and begins to properly delineate the truth of each. Unfortunately, we don’t get to see this in Mildred Pierce and Veda’s relationship. The reason for this is twofold; one, it is the element of obsessive love that fosters a breakdown in the natural boundaries that exist in a parental relationship. Secondly, it is the need by Mildred to seek the unrealistic approval from her daughter, Veda, which further exasperates the boundaries, almost wiping them completely away. We see these elements of obsessive love, ... ...essive love for Veda; her need to gain acceptance and approval from this undeserving daughter that leads her catastrophic collapse. For Veda, it is her spiteful and vindictive nature to exact pain from those she holds in contempt. One needs the other in order to bear witness to the conclusion of their story. Love and hate rules in Glendale. Work Cited Cain, James. Mildred Pierce. New York: Vintage Books. 1989 Firman, Dorthy. â€Å"Healing the Mother/Daughter Relationship.† Mother/Daughter Relations 8 Dec 02 Phillips, Shelley. Beyond the Myths. New York: Penguin Books. 1996 Tresidder, Megan. The Secret Language of Love. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. 1997 Vial, Veronique. Women Before 10 a. m. Photograph. New York: Powerhouse Books. 1998

Characteristics of Developing Countries Essay

Characteristics of Developing Countries BY Hafeez260 The theme of this essay is: the importance of a study of other semi-developed countries as they struggle for economic growth, the elimination of mass poverty and, at the political level, for democratisation and the reduction of reliance on coercion. New countries are finding their voices in all sorts of ways and are managing to interest an international audience. South Africa is not least among them; contemporary international consciousness of the travail of our particular path towards modernity testifies at least to a considerable national talent for dramatic ommunication and (for those who care to look more deeply) a far from extinct tradition of moral conscientiousness. One aspect of this flowering is a rapidly growing crop of social scientific studies of semi-developed countries of which this university is fortunate to have a substantial collection, contained mainly in the library of Jan Smuts House. From this literature, one can extract five themes of particular interest. The first is the problem of uneven development and effective national unification, especially in deeply divided societies. Capitalist development has mpinged on semi-developed countries from outside rather than transforming slowly from within, incorporating different groups in different ways. Particular problems arise when differential incorporation coincides in substantial measure with boundaries between ethnic groups. If Donald Horowitz’s remarkable study of ethnic groups in conflict is right, more energy goes into attempting to maximise differences in the welfare of in groups and out groups than into maximising their Joint welfare, with adverse consequences for the possibilities of building the national political and economic institutions required for development. Gordon Tullock has argued that this is an additional reason for preferring market-based rather than state-led economic growth in deeply divided societies. In itself it is, but the secondary effects of different paths on distribution have to be taken into account. In so far as they lead to worsening differentials between groups, the possibility of heightened conflict is created. The only long-term hope is to make ethnic boundaries less salient; the happiest outcome would seem to be when ethnicity becomes decorative in a high income economic environment. This is likely to be the work of decades, perhaps of enturies; even so, appalling retrogressions always seem to remain possible. The consequence of deep divisions is that there is likely to exist an unusually large number of prisoner’s dilemma situations. The prisoner’s dilemma arises when partners in crime are apprehended and held separately. The prisoners will be Jointly better off if they do not inform on each other, but each prisoner will be better off if he informs on the other, while the other does not inform on him. Attempts at individual maximisation may lead to both prisoners informing on each other which leads to the orst Joint outcome. The dilemma arises because of the absence of the opportunity for co-operation. ) Under such conditions, negotiation skills are at a premium. There are also advantages in the acceptance of a deontological liberal philosophy which (in the shorthand of political philosophers) places the right over the good. This involves seeking to regulate social relations by Just procedures while leaving individuals as free as possible to pursue their own, diverse conceptions of the good life. Such an attention should be paid simultaneously to the reduction of poverty. The analytical Marxist, Adam Przeworski has analysed analogous problems which arise in the case of severe class conflict. In his view, social democratic compromises are held together by virtue of the propensity of capitalists to reinvest part of their profits with the effect of increasing worker incomes in the future. Class compromise is made possible by two simultaneous expectations: workers expect that their incomes will rise over time, while capitalists expect to be able to devote some of their profits to consumption. In conditions of severe class conflict, these expectations about the future become ncertain, time horizons shorten, workers become militant, capitalists disinvest and political instability results. Three forms of resolution are available: stabilising external intervention, negotiation or renegotiation of a social contract or the strengthening of the position of one or other class by a shift towards conservatism or revolution. Przeworski’s sternest warnings are to Marxists who assume that revolution and the introduction of socialism is the inevitable outcome of a crisis. The second theme in the literature on semi-developed countries has to do with their position within the world economy. Three related sub-themes can be identified. Firstly, there has been a debate about the forms and limits of the diffusion of industrialisation. Dependency theory – now somewhat out of fashion, since its predictions of severe limitations on industrialisation in developing countries have been falsified – asserted that relationships between developing and developed countries are such as to keep the latter in perpetual economic subordination. The contrary thesis – that advanced industrial countries have had to deal with increased competition arising from quite widespread diffusion – now seems more plausible.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Emotional Intelligence Essay

?When it comes to the five elements of Emotional Intelligence, I can relate to Self-Regulation the most which is my best aspect. In general, I am a pretty easy going type of guy. Even when someone bad mouths me or attacks me verbally, I tend to keep my cool and analyze the situation before responding back. When it comes to my job as a police officer and dealing with people, we deal with all types of emotions. Some personalities can be distressed, combative, and anxious or anger. Whatever the situation may be, I always tend to self regulate my emotions so that I can best deal with the situation. One example is during an interrogation, another officer and I will play the roles of God Cop Bad Cop, with me being the Good Cop. I am always the Good Cop because I can restrain myself when the suspect tends to be argumentative or angry. I tend to regulate my emotions and not respond in the same manner. The worst aspect of Emotional Intelligence for me would be Social Skills. This is something I am constantly struggling with. When it comes to conflicts, I tend to either avoid it or eliminated the easiest way to avoid more conflict. I know it is easier said than done, but with learning how to deal with can make me a better leader at earning respect and loyalty. I also tend to lack on praising others outwardly. For example, when I see a good arrest from a co-worker based on his observations skills, I know he did a good job and I praise him for it, but I usually don’t say it to him. Not because I do not want to but because I am not comfortable saying it outwardly. I know I can improve on praising others because it is important for your co-workers or subordinates to feel important and appreciated. It tends to bring the best out of them. When it comes to conflict resolution, I will work on reaching a solution through common techniques like negotiations or compromises.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

European Union Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

European Union Law - Essay Example Section 2(2) of the ECA enables such legislations to be enacted locally in the U.K. This is the enabling provision to repeal domestic laws inconsistent with EC law.3 The Directive comes into force once the set time limit has expired. If the Directive’s provisions are directly effective, an individual can invoke the provisions of the directive before a national court if the time limit has expired and accident occurred after the expiry of the time limit for transposition. The Commission may also bring action under article 258 of TFEU against the Member State. It can also bring an action against the Member State during the period of transposition or before the expiry of the set deadline if it finds that Member State has not taken national measures as in the present case, which can compromise the result envisaged by the Directive. In the case of Directives, they should be transposed within the time specified by the Commission failing which actions could be taken against the Govern ment in the national as well as European Courts. Infarction proceedings before the European Court of Justice can be initiated by the Commission as provided for under Article 226 of the EC Treaty. The Commission can also invoke article 228 in case a member State fails to rectify the lapse even after Article 226 proceedings, which can impose a lump sum fine on the State or an ongoing fine on a daily basis until the breach of law is corrected4. Recently, Ireland lost a case in the European Court of Justice in April 2013 for having failed to transpose the Article 8 of EU Directive 2008/94. In this case of No 398/11 Commission v Ireland, the court has stated at para 48 â€Å"Individuals harmed have a right to reparation against a Member State† if three conditions are fulfilled: There must be an infringement of EU law conferring certain rights to the citizens; the infringement must be serious; and direct causal link between the lapse and the damage to the individuals must be establ ished 5 Liability of the State arises from Article 4 (3) of TFEU which the national courts must ensure in the event of rights conferred by EU law on individuals being denied. To constitute a state liability, there must be a breach of EU law, attributable to the Member State and it must have caused damage to individual(s) as mentioned in the Francovich principle which arose out of Francovich case (1991)6 resulting from violation of the EU Directive which the Member State failed to transpose. Failure to implement can be total or partial. The Government is responsible for violation by different departments and also for the acts or omissions of public bodies who have been delegated with the responsibilities of performance. In Dillenkoffer and others v Federal Republic of Germany (1996)7, the failure to transpose within the time limit itself was held to be a serious violation. Thus, if an individual has interest safeguarded by the directive, state is held responsible for damages incurred by an individual caused directly as result of failure to transpose. This is especially relevant in cases of directives on health and safety at work, equal treatment of women etc.8

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

O&PM Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

O&PM Assignment - Essay Example Below describes how the 4Vs are involved in the business process in the supermarket. Ordering and delivery of goods from suppliers depends on volume of goods that were sold. The amount of goods ordered (volume) usually depends the amount present and the sales records. There can be a situation where the ordered volume of products is high but with a low variety of the same products. An example is when a large volume but small variety of fruits are ordered from suppliers. The demand for each product in a supermarket varies and is very hard to predict, and with not enough inventory space, what the management does is stock less volume of the products with more variety. This is to make sure that there is each variety of a product available for customers as each customer has different preference. It is crucial for a competitive supermarket to make sure they do not run out of each of the variety of products available. Another ‘V’ which is crucial to a supermarket is variation of demand as supermarkets have to cope with changing customer needs during different seasons. Therefore it is ultimately important to have large variety of products. Merchandising or displaying of products in shelves is also important. This is known as visibility. Products should be displayed in a manner that they are highly visible to the customer in order to make it easier for them to find the products. The main idea is to attract customers have many variety of products which are easily visible. Therefore the shelves should be designed in a way that there is a large variety of a certain product in its category on the shelf. Also fast- moving goods should be placed in shelves next to the entrance for convenience of customers (Samson and draft, 2012,56). Retail store orders for goods from warehouse according to need and preference of local customers. Periodically, the store

Monday, October 7, 2019

Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 6

Operations Management - Essay Example Operations management is defined by Metters and Maruacheck (2007, p. 210) as the conversion of inputs into outputs, using physical resources in order to provide the desired utility of place, form, state or possession or a combination to the customer while still fulfilling the other organizational goals of efficiency, effectiveness and adaptability. Pilkington, and Meredith (2009, p. 190) further explain that operations management is basically concerned with conversion of inputs using physical resources. Nigel, Chambers and Johnston (2010, p. 3) defined operations management as a process of planning, organizing, controlling and directing the activities of the production function. Pilkington, and Meredith (2009, p. 190) argued that operations management is different from other functions of management such as personnel and marketing. He argued that there are several situations that marketing, personnel or other functions can be classified as operations. He holds that when other managers are involved in the physical distribution of products and services to customers, collection of marketing information or are involved in actual recruitment process qualifies them to be classified under operations management. The exclusion of marketing, human resource and other organization functions from the being classified as operations management is disputed by (Introduction to Operations Management) who offers a definition of operations.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Why Marijuana Should be Legal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why Marijuana Should be Legal - Essay Example The evidence demonstrates that legalizing cannabis for medicinal in addition to general purposes would prove a benefit to society, evidence which is well-known throughout the scientific, political and public arena but this collective knowledge has yet to be acted upon. The economic feasibility of decriminalizing marijuana has become a much-discussed subject in recent years. The federal government presently spends a lot of capital on law enforcement to combat distributors and producers of drugs. By legalizing drugs this could eradicate much of the profit, bloodshed and corruption of that trade. If legalizing drugs is to have a positive effect on the crime rate, drugs must be made both inexpensive and available. Studies have repetitively suggested that prohibiting marijuana in the U.S. has not shown to be efficient or effective. According to the Drug Policy Alliance, â€Å"U.S. The economic feasibility of decriminalizing marijuana has become a much-discussed subject in recent years.   The federal government presently spends a lot of capital on law enforcement to combat distributors and producers of drugs. By legalizing drugs this could eradicate much of the profit, bloodshed and corruption of that trade.   If legalizing drugs is to have a positive effect on the crime rate, drugs must be made both inexpensive and available. Studies have repetitively suggested that prohibiting marijuana in the U.S. has not shown to be efficient or effective.  Ã‚  

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Role of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Assignment

Role of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility - Assignment Example Ethics can be defined as the study of moral which is appropriate for taking decisions after judging the plan of action. The two concepts are linked with each other for most of the firms. It is observed that in today’s competitive world, sustainable development is required in every organisation for its successful operation. It also leads to the enhancement of quality of products and services that they offer to their customers (Aybars and Kutlu, â€Å"Managing corporate performance†). Corporate responsibility can be regarded as the degree to which an organization complies with rules and legal guidelines which is made for the betterment of society (Nicolau, â€Å"Corporate social responsibility†). The contemporary business practices often identify noteworthy levels of understanding between the good and responsible corporate practices. In today’s world, the stakeholders and shareholders, who have understood the importance of CSR, is focusing on incorporating b usiness activities within the societal norms, which leads to good management practices. CSR has been regarded as the technique which assists an organization in evaluating the business activities and its effect on the environment and society through transparent and ethical decision making. World Business Council for sustainable development has stated that CSR approach can be defined as method of attaining sustainable development by contributing to the society. The different CSR activities include health and safety, corporate governance and ethics, environmental stewardship, human rights and sustainable development. It, thus, focuses on the features like, societal and community involvement, corporate philanthropy, development and investment, customer satisfaction, employee volunteering, anti-corruption... The assignment highlights the theory of Corporate Social Responsibility and its impact on the community and modern society. The researcher also elaborates the importance of ethics in leading a business organisation in a proper manner today. The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, that is described in the assignment helps in revenue generation for a particular organisation in an ethical way. It also contributes positively to the society and environment. The assignment presented by the researcher also depicts the role of Corporate Social Responsibility practices in contemporary organisational practices. It can be concluded though that business ethics and corporate social responsibility have immense importance in development of an organisation. Without following the two fundamental concepts that are mentioned in the assignment, an organisation will not be successful in the long run and can even face challenges. Corporate social responsibility has become the best part of sustaina ble development program. For long-term sustenance, the organisation has to take into account the shareholder’s interest, environment and society as a whole. Ethics elaborates the correct and incorrect behaviour of any human being, which can affect the operation of an organisation and also, lead to disturb the entire society. Therefore, the researcher concluds the discussion and states that ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility both are required for organisational effectiveness for corporations and to run a peaceful business.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Elements of Religious Traditions Essay Example for Free

Elements of Religious Traditions Essay The term religion can bring up mixed emotions in people. Many people have different religious views and their traditions usually follow that religion. Religion is very vast and there are many different forms, views, traditions, and beliefs within each religion. Certain religions are monotheism, some are polytheism, and others are pantheism. Each religion encourages relationships with the divine, sacred time, sacred space or the natural world, and relationships with others. Relationships with the divine According to Molloy (2010), â€Å"All religions are concerned with the deepest level of reality, and for most religions the core or origin of everything is sacred and mysterious† (p 7). Each religion often calls the sacred by name such as Divine Parent, Great Spirit, the Divine, and the Holy to name a few (Molloy, 2010). Monotheism is a term that means belief in one God (Molloy, 2010). Polytheism is the belief in many Gods or Goddesses; the multiple Gods may be separate or a multiple manifestation of the same sacred reality (Molloy, 2010). Pantheism is the belief that the sacred as being discoverable within the physical world, in other words nature itself is holy (Molloy, 2010). Recently there are people who tend to deny the existence of any God or gods which is described as atheism (Molloy, 2010). Relationship with Sacred Time According to Molloy (2010), â€Å"Our everyday lives go on in ordinary time, which we see as moving forward into the future. Sacred time, however, is the time of eternity†(p 43). Many people have different names for this measurement of time such as the Artic people refer to it as â€Å"distant time†, Australian aboriginals refer to it as â€Å"dream time†(Molloy, 2010). Although there are many different names for sacred time they all refer to the time of eternity and each religion has a different theory on sacred time. Some people believe that sacred time is cyclical and returns to its origins for renewal. Others feel that by recalling and ritually reliving the deeds of the gods and ancestors (Molloy, 2010). Indigenous religions even structure their daily lives to conform to mythical events in sacred time which creates a sense of holiness in their daily lives (Molloy, 2010). Certain religions strongly encourage a relationship with sacred time and others tend to not worry about sacred time. Christianity for instance knows that someday Christ will return to earth however most Christians do not center their lives on waiting for this day. However some Christians live everyday as if it will be the day He returns and strive to be worthy in His eyes when that day does come. Relationship with Sacred Space or the Natural World Just like ordinary time there is also ordinary space. Sacred space refers to the doorway in which the other world of gods and ancestors can contact us and we can contact them (Molloy, 2010). Sacred space is often considered the center of the universe where powers and holiness are strongest; where we can go to renew our own strength (Molloy, 2010). In certain native religions sacred space is a mountain, great volcano, or other striking natural site. In Australian aboriginal religions Uluru (Ayers Rock) is their sacred center (Molloy, 2010). Sacred space can also be constructed into a certain shape, special building, or a boundary. For some religions, sacred space is often in the form of a church where people go to worship, pray, and learn about God; some churches are even built extremely tall to be â€Å"closer† to God. Critical Issues What should we study in order to properly understand religions? What attitude should we have when we study the religions of others? How can researchers be objective? These are just some of the complex questions that researchers should ask before attempting to study religions. Some of the issues in the first century included inability to travel, incomplete scriptures, or the translation they depended on were not accurate (Molloy, 2010). One of the main critical issues when studying religion is forming a prior opinion that can create a bias on the research. If a Buddhist is studying Christianity his opinion could be bias because of his own personal opinions on religion or a preference of his own beliefs versus the other. Conclusion Religion is sometimes defined as to join again. According to the common dictionary the word religion is defined as â€Å"a system of belief that involves worship of a God or gods, prayer, ritual, and a moral code† (Molloy, 2010 p 5). Within each religion there are specific beliefs, traditions, and values. Many religions encourage the relationships with the divine, sacred time, sacred space or the natural world. It is also crucial to identify critical key issues when studying religions. Whether someone worships one God, many gods, goddesses, or denies any existence of God or gods it is important to look inside each religion with an open mind. References Molloy, M. (2010). Experiencing the world’s religions: Tradition, challenge, and change (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Organisational Culture At Enron Corporation Commerce Essay

The Organisational Culture At Enron Corporation Commerce Essay This paper analyses the Enron organisation culture and the key issues that eventually led to the Enron Corporate debacle and why it is so vital that top level management is the main proponent of this culture shaping lower level employees behaviour of moral reasoning. Moreover, as there is a need to understand how the different types of cultures may effortlessly help business to perform, this essay will identify the type of Enrons corporate culture through applying the assessment instruments developed by Cameron and Quinn (1998). In todays business environment the culture has huge impact on organizations performance. It is widely recognized by the managers, that the adoption of organisational culture as an effective control tool, gives the opportunity to affect on what people think, believe and value (Ray, 1986). It is commonly known that different organisations have typical cultures. The culture of a group can be defined as: A pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems ( Schein, 1993: pp373-374). Organisations develop their own culture through history and structure that gives a sense of identity. Therefore, every culture possesses its own traditions, knowledge, art, moral issues, law, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by individual as a member of society (Tylor, 1970).It ascertains, through the beliefs, values and norms the way how things are done around here (Mullins, 2002: p802). Organization theory scholars distinguish that organizational cultures associate to the concept of an organization. However, Huczynsk i Buchanan (2001: p627) argue that the facade symptom of culture are its most visible and most accessible forms, which are the visible and audible behaviour patterns and objects. In the case of Enron, the analysis for the companys downfall moved well beyond financial and economic debate as the corporate culture was shown to be a main reason and contributing issue (Rapoport Dharan, 2004). The society got a shockwave when it came to that Enron was seen to be an example of corporate citizenship and ethics previous to its fall down (Sims Brinkmann, 2003) while in reality the company was cheering a culture for back-biting management possessed with exhibiting short-term profits and inflating the companys stock value. Sims and Brinkmann (2003) point out that this difference between the culture shown to the public and investors and the values being enacted within the organisation is an example of the conflict that can be found between levels of culture within an organisation as suggested by Schein (1985). Conducting the further analysis of the Enrons downfall it is vital to identify the organizational culture that the company could be identified with. Hence, in accordance to Cameron and Quinn (1998) and their developed marking criteria, there are four types of organisational cultures identified which include collaborate (clan), create (adhocracy), control (hierarchy) and compete (market) cultures. After close research and analyse of the types of organisational cultures and relating the criteria to the case study it shows that Enron applied a compete culture, which to some extent, brought the company to downfall.  Compete (market) organizations are focused on relationships- in particular, transactions-with suppliers, customers, contractors, legislators, consultants, regulators, etc. Through efficient external dealings they feel that they can best achieve suc ­cess. Compete (market) organizations are concerned about competitiveness and efficiency through accent o n partnerships and positioning (Cameron and Quinn, 1998). Enron executives spent more time distressing about reputation and getting ahead than trading with the everyday business processes needed to prolong the company.  The top managers believed Enron had to be the best at everything it did. When there existed failures and losses in their business performance, what they did was covering up their losses in order to protect their reputations instead of trying to do something to make it correct. In the case of Enron, the mutual goal of winning that is frequently anxious in compete culture organizations, did not translate past rough business deals and unethical business practices. In Enrons case, its corporate culture played an important role of its collapse. It was culture of greed and moneymaking In Enron, greed was good and money was God. There was a little regard for ethics or the law. Such attitudes infused the whole company from the top down to individual workers. Organisational culture supported unethical practises- corruption, cheating, and fake practices were widespread. Many executives and managers knew that the company was following some illegal and unethical practices, but the executives and the board of directors did not know how to make the ethical decisions and corporate ethical culture. Creative accounting and misleading profit reports were a matter of everyday procedure. Denial and reputation management enabled them carry on their unethical and often illegal activities. In addition, if the company makes huge profits in unethical way then individual who joins the organisation would also have to practice unethical things to survive in the compa ny. The management was blinded by greed and ambition, their decisions became seriously flawed. Thus company fell back and managers had to pay in the form of fines and imprisonment. Thus, disregard to organisational culture and mismanagement in huge proportions and, mainly, greed is among the key factors that brought the Enron the most innovative company to downfall. Enron was looking into the ways of getting bigger, greater and more progressive than the other companies at that time. And it seemed to be really well on the way to that target. However, the analysis of Enrons organisational structure reveals that top managers of any organisation at all times must be responsible of everything that happens in their company. Hence, the Enrons top manager (Kenneth Lay) did not have his objectives, right interest and mission in the organisation. But the success of the business depends on the executives abilities to leadership, influence on others and how the real interests and goals are foll owed by. K. Lays position as a chairman was just a title for the company and as evidence of that is the action of passing along the responsibilities to the Jeff Skilling. That could be seen as the countdown of the organisational structure breakdown which is related as the key issue to all the businesses. A wise decision-making abilities and achievement of organisational objectives truly correlates with the companys organisational structure. In Enron case, people responsible for making such wise and important decisions were obviously those from the top of the management; however they did not really possess any of the productive objectives in their minds. The final decision-making was left for the chief financial and chief operating officers whose ability, in the other hand, excluded any sense of any kind of the responsibility for the consequences could occurred. The basic interest, as it seems from the case study analysis, was the financial profit- money. Thus, decision-making was easily blinded with the quantity of the business deals made and money seen, without any of the consideration of the future problems of the organisation, such behaviour could cause. According to Reh (2002), It is the leaders job to provide the vision for the group. A good executive must have a dream and the ability to get the company to support that dream. But it is not enough to merely have the dream. The leader must also provide the framework by which the people in that organization can help achieve the dream. This is called company culture (p.1). Generally, corporate culture refers to the prevailing implicit values, attitudes and ways of doing things in a company. It often reflects the personality, philosophy and the ethnic-cultural background of the founder or the leader. Corporate culture dictates how the company is run and how people are promoted (Wong, 2005, p.185). The leadership of the Enron could not cope with providing the guidance to help the business to survive. Hence, that is the clear evidence that Jeff Skilling proclaimed the Enrons corporate culture- the culture of greed, corruption and deception. He wanted profits at all cost, in addition the hiring practices became obsessed with finding aggressive, greedy, unethical employees who could deliver on the organisations demand for short term profits. There is a direct connection between the way a business and its people conduct themselves and the leadership within it. There was no respect or responsible decision-making in the Enron. The management of the organization was totally broken down by the companys executives, who displaced their responsibilities to unprofessional staff and there was no rigorous standart of the performance for their business. The senior management failed to maintain a relationship of openness and trust with employees. Staff members who questioned the wisdom of some of Enrons decisions and practices were either ignored or silenced. Senior management cared more about self-enrichment than the needs of employees. They showed little regard for meaning and ethics beyond the bottom line (Wong, 2005, p.185).And when the top managers turned a blind eye on the legal aspects when performing financial operations, the clear message of the tolerance of the illegal practices was sent. After analysing the case study I suggest that the most important lesson is that corporate culture matters it can either bring prosperity or disaster to the organization. A company needs to promote an organisational culture with moral way of thinking as Peters Waterman (1982: p75) points out that without exception, the dominance and coherence of culture proved to be an essential quality of the excellent companies. This culture should be top level management as they are key figures, which employees will follow. If executives of a company consider the short term bottom line to be the most important factor to success then lower level employees will soon get the message and acquire the game rules. This environment is exposed to the actions such as intentionally breaking the rules, if results cannot be achieved within the legal framework. From studying the Enron case it is seen that collapse was brought on by a lack of respect, lack of concern of management and real goals. To point out that the enormous amount of losses of the company destroyed the lives of the Enrons employees and the investors who trusted and heavily invested in the business. After all taking on to account that organisational culture is able to bring an enormous difference and guide the organisation to success and prolong reasonable rewards (Hoecklin, 1995) by possessing effective management (Miroshnik, 2002), the Enrons example demonstrates that when there is unhealthy corporate culture in the company which lacks the true leadership, true interests, true goals, wise decision-making and the main issue is greed for money, then such a business is exposed to become the bankrupt.